Healing Through Celibacy . . .
By Celeste M Munford
God created us to be emotional beings. As women we were endowed with the ability to be collectors + receptors in our soul (mind, will + emotion) and in our bodies where we collect + bring to life + grow what’s inside of us.
Many of us have had multiple-a-many sexual relationships with men who have not only deposited themselves physically inside our bodies but have also been able to plant their seeds inside of our hearts. These soul ties we’ve created even take root in our minds + have left their fingerprints in our memories. The more they project + penetrate us, the deeper the soul tie becomes + the harder it becomes to pluck + remove.
Some of us haven’t detoxed + cleansed our bodies, hearts, minds + emotions from the first man we’ve been with before we moved on to the second man, then the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th sexual partner. Some women are broken + have gone insane because they have the residue from all the men they sexed still living on the inside of them. Often, we cannot have peace because of the storms raging inside of us.
After having many sexual partners, we cannot think clearly, our judgement is off, our self-worth has taken a hit and we cannot give ourselves to the “one” because we’re still full of the ones that were, that are no longer physically there, but are still living inside us because we let them in + did not choose to purge ourselves of them when they left.
Talk about multiple personalities!!!
Ladies, it’s time to clean house. I’m talking about cleansing + detoxing our souls + physical bodies.
– Take a breath.
– Acknowledge the choices you made.
– Make a decision to physically + emotionally detox through prayer, meditation, surrender, vaginal steams + other cleansing exercises.
– Determine your worth.
– Commit yourself to a higher vibration.
Ladies we are instructed to guard our hearts because out of it flows the issues of our lives.
Celibacy is an important part of detoxing, re-establishing order in our bodies, removing toxins from our memories, clearing our minds + balancing our emotions. Celibacy helps us regain our sense of self, eliminates the risk of unwanted pregnancies + disease. Celibacy helps us to live in harmony + align our souls with our Spirit Man. Celibacy helps you to focus + increase your awareness.
You won’t burst being celibate . . . LOL! You can do yoga, swim, dance + exercise to have a rewarding release 😊.