Have you ever heard people say,
- “I will never…”
- “I can’t ….”
- “That is too hard”
- “I will never be able to…”
whatever you believe you will achieve. The key is believing the right things to reprogram your mind for success.
Think of those people in your life or if you have ever said the above statements out loud about yourself, what has happened, all of those statements have come true.
- “I will never lose weight”
- “I can’t start my own business because”
- “I am not smart enough and it’s too hard”
- “ I will never be able to reach success because everyone else has more resources that I don’t have access to, and they had a head start in life.
Do you wake up in the morning and start thinking about all of the things you have to do and get overwhelmed and in that moment decide it is going to be a tough day. Do you Find yourself worrying about what others think of you? If you answered yes to any of the above questions and can relate to the above statements. I am going to help you today, so keep reading.
I want you to start your day off when you wake up, with prayer and meditation first, you will be tempted to grab your phone and start reading the emails, texts and social media posts. I promise you if you start with prayer, mediation and a heart of gratitude for just simply waking up, your world will change.
Take charge of your day, and confess out loud
- “It’s going to be a great day”
- “I am going to accomplish…”
- “Everything is going to work out in regards to ….”
You might have to repeat this throughout your day, but when you start this way, it programs your brain into thinking it’s going to be a good day, then you start to feel the goodness of the day, and your brain allows you to see and look forward to all the great things in your day.
This process helps you to gain the confidence and the ability to reprogram your mind. You will be able to gain control of the negative thoughts that will come your way, which will in turn help you to be successful in whatever endeavors you decide you want to take
You have to decide today that you will stop the negative talk, stop all of the negative statements, I Can’t, I won’t, I don’t think I can, I will never…
Is it going to be easy NO !! but it certainly is possible.
God says in his word that “All things are possible” Matthew 19:26
In conclusion ladies, please take time today to pray, mediate, and reprogram your mind for success, by confessing that all things are possible, then just decide to change all of your negative thoughts.
You also have to learn how to imagine, feel and believe in what you want in the process of what you consider success.
My challenge for you is to create a list of 10 things you’re grateful for,
10 I AM statements, you finish the sentence, I AM …..
Pray and Mediate for 21 days straight It will change your life.
Born and Raised in California, San Francisco Bay Area. I am a mother of 4 beautiful daughters, married to an amazing man for 25 years. We are both lovers of Christ who is the head of our lives. I am passionate about helping others through encouragement and guidance to reach their highest potential on the journey God has for them. I am the founder of Women’s Empowerment Confidence Without Regret Ministry which includes a private group on Facebook called Confidence Without Regret. Currently working on three book projects, sharing my journey.
I took a leap of faith and decided to believe in myself, left a 30 year nursing career to start my own business with New York Life, allowing me to help many people prepare to leave a legacy and not bills.