It’s all about relationships in life.  Your relationships can put you on a path to self-pity, success, love, or … you pick. This, of course, we know.  We have heard of the idea of “the 5 people you surround yourself with” and other such inspirational ideas.  These are often true and well deserving of constant repetition, even via sticky notes around the house, the car, and wherever you may be.

That said, there is an added component to this: purpose. In that there is one relationship that is most crucial of all and that relationship is the starting and ending point of all we do, achieve and of all we are.  That relationship has to be purposeful – by that I mean in direct alignment with YOUR purpose.  This relationship is with …..


So – what is that relationship like?  What is the purpose of that relationship?
As a warrior it is important to be able to know yourself, trust yourself and love yourself – you may not always like yourself but remember: wherever you go – there you are.

Your purpose in that relationship, the most important one you’ll ever have is to BE… to BE YOU.  On that journey to reconnect with you, we need to peel back all the layers; take off that make up and look ourselves in the eyes, heart and soul.

When is the last time you did that?

It’s time to get back to it, time to get back to you. It’s time to get back to embracing YOU and your purpose.  You see, you are here for a reason and you are needed.  You are perfect.  – whether you like it or not… You may have forgotten why you are here or that you are perfect because society keeps pointing out the opposite.  Social conditioning has us focus on all that is supposedly wrong with us.  Why? It keeps us stagnant, not growing, moving or glowing.  Hidden Away.
Let’s get back out there and BE, LIVE Fully and Thrive – YOUR way.


Here are some ideas and I encourage you to read them in order and do them in order without jumping ahead … so, read no. 1 and execute.  Then read no. 2 and execute.  Then ….  Thank you!

  1. Write down all the negative things that come to mind when you think about yourself. All that you can think of. All the things that came up in the last argument you had … with yourself or someone else. All the things that were mentioned to you most recently about your weight, your hair, your clothes, your eyes, your ears, your behavior, your….

Done?  Great.

2. Light a candle in a safe spot.
Fold this piece of paper as small as you can. Or you can tear it into tiny pieces.
Then either put the paper/pieces of paper into the fireplace, the fire outside or let it be burnt by the candle (maybe have the candle in the sink) then, wash away the ash.
Breathe.   Say “I release all of that.”

Done?  Great

  1. Go to the mirror. Look yourself in the eyes. SEE yourself.  SEE yourself with the eyes of the Creator.  There are no false or malfunctioning creations.  That means you are perfect. Look yourself into your eyes and say out loud:  I LOVE YOU.  I LOVE ME.  I AM Perfect and grateful.  Take that in.  Place your hands over your heart and repeat.  Repeat until it is less stressful.   From now on the first thing you say in the morning is: I LOVE YOU, with your eyes closed.

Your purpose is to BE you.  Stop following the rat race because someone else told you what you should or should not be doing.  Your heart, your soul, your gut knows.  It’s the best tool there is.  If you are not smiling and if you are stressed:  You are NOT you. 

Rebuild that most important relationship so you can LIVE and LIVE YOUR LIFE YOUR WAY; happy and successfully.

Natalie Forest, Ph.D.

Dr Natalie Forest, America’s Leading Expert in Personal Performance, is Founder of Success Revolutions and Revolutionize Your Potential, a series of educational trainings for individuals and corporations across the globe.  Natalie engages leaders, corporate teams, and entrepreneurs to identify consistencies for their success.